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Physics and Biology in Medicine Graduate Program


Support Us

Making a gift today impacts the students and faculty and ensures our ability to lead in Biomedical Research in Radiological Imaging and Therapy. Your support of UCLA Physics and Biology in Medicine will preserve our traditions of excellence for future generations of students.

There are many different ways to give to UCLA Physics and Biology in Medicine. Your gift may come from any or all of these options.

Donation Online

Please follow this link: https://giving.ucla.edu/Standard/NetDonate.aspx?SiteNum=847


Our shortened link: https://giving.ucla.edu/PhysicsAndBiologyInMedicine

Donate by Mail

Cash gifts — whether check or credit card. They are critically important to the University, because they can be put to work immediately, increasing their impact and extending their reach.

Download donation form and mail checks to:

UCLA Physics and Biology in Medicine IDP
Box 951721
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1721

Matching Gifts

The easiest way to double - or even triple - your contribution to UCLA PBM is to request a match from your employer. Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses. Find out if your organization will match your gift by checking our database of matching gift companies. For receipting and tax reasons, the matched portion of the gift must be recorded on the organization's record.

Database of Matching Gift Companies

For more information contact Reth Im at 310-825-7811 or rtim@mednet.ucla.edu.

The UCLA Physics and Biology in Medicine thank you for your generosity and support.